and feel back in control.
Do you relate to any of this?
- You're tired, bloated and feel stuck. 😩
- You have no energy and drink lots of coffee to power you through the day.
- You have constant chatter in your head about food and sweet treats.
- You wake up every morning vowing to be good but by lunchtime, you're caving and eating the biscuits.
- You think that maybe if you were trapped on a deserted island🏝️ for 6 months, you would finally be free of temptations and able to lose that weight you've been trying to shed.

What you'll learn in this masterclass...

Why Does it Feel So Hard?
You will learn why breaking free from sugar and processed carbs can be hard but why it actually doesn't have to be. You'll learn the reason the things you've tried in the past haven't worked.

Food Chatter
You will learn what is driving the cravings. Some people relate to the term "food noise". You know- that inner dialogue that sometimes feels like you have someone or something else in your head always thinking about food. The back-and-forth conversation about eating the biscuits, the block of chocolate or the hot chips. It is exhausting.😩

3 Powerful Steps!
Are you relying on willpower when what you really need are tools and strategies? I will share the steps you can take to kick cravings to the curb.
And no, these are not simple platitudes like "drink more water" or "eat before you go out".
I will share scientific brain-based solutions that will put you back in control.
After this Mastrclass you will...

No more feeling like the devil 😈 on one shoulder and the angel 😇 on the other. It's time to reclaim your power over sugar and gain more energy and freedom around food

Dr Lucy is a compassionate expert in the world of weight loss. Your questions, no matter how big or how small will all be answered in this interactive webinar. You are not alone!

You will leave knowing the next steps to take so you can move forward and feel better! Reducing Sugar can feel overwhelming but knowing what you need to do next is liberating.

Who is Dr Lucy?
Dr Lucy Burns and her gorgeous colleague Dr Mary Barson are medical doctors with an intense interest in weight management and addressing the root cause of the problem.
⚡️Newsflash - The root cause is NOT that you are lazy and greedy and have no willpower.
Why are we so interested in weight management?
Well, 2 reasons:
- Like many of you, we have both been on a weight loss journey.
- We see the profound effects this problem has on the health of our patients resulting in more disease, more medications and more complications.
Dr Lucy was the diet queen. She has been on every diet known to (wo)man. She was excellent at losing weight but keeping it off was the issue. She had "fat clothes" and "thin clothes" in her wardrobe. She was most definitely the all-or-nothing girl. Perfect-restricting like mad. Then when life got in the way she was on a bender, regaining all the lost weight. Then menopause hit and the old dieting tricks no longer worked. Her metabolism had slowed and she needed to do something else. Changing her thinking around dieting has resulted in her weight being stable for years... even when she goes on holidays or life gets messy.
Dr Mary has PCOS, a hormonal condition that results in weight gain from puberty. She tried for decades to manage her weight. She exercised like crazy. She followed traditional diet advice. She finally found the solution by changing what and when she ate-not how much she ate. This allowed her to rebalance those hormones, shed the kilos and even have a baby.
As lifestyle medicine doctors, we guide you along the path to improved metabolism. We give you a metabolic map if you will.
As doctors of psychological medicine, we help you shift your thoughts and manage your emotions - fine-tuning your inner compass.
With the right map and a well-functioning compass, you are now on the correct path to long-lasting weight loss and good health.
Hear what others are saying

"Real Life Medicine webinars are relatable, informative and up-to-date science is being shared. Dr Lucy has an easy style that is so relatable and enables the listener to feel part of the conversation. Her openness to relate concepts to everyday life is another great presentation style."

"Dr Lucy has a very relaxed and personable style of speaking. Information is presented simply, without being simple - She assumes the listener is intelligent and pitches herself in a way that connects across a broad spectrum. With the use of fun anecdotes and analogies Dr Lucy proves herself to be warm, funny, inviting and engaging - she can even laugh at herself and has infectious giggles, which is very endearing."
But it doesn't have to be that way
Join Dr Lucy and learn how to liberate yourself from the stranglehold of sugar and boost your metabolism!