⬇️ Then Read On...
The next round of the 12 Week Mind Body Rebalance
Join the waitlist for early bird registration and special bonuses!
"I was so tired of trying on 10 outfits every time I wanted to go out"

Let us know if this sounds familiar
✓ You feel tired, bloated and puffy
✓ You feel out of control, fed up and frustrated with yourself
✓ You have dozens of clothes that don't fit
✓ You hate seeing yourself in photos
✓ You are tired of the constant chatter in your mind "Will I or I won't I eat the chips, chocolate, icecream"
✓ You are sick of feeling bad about yourself
Why does Weight Loss feel so Hard?
❗️Calorie counting slows our metabolism making us tired and hungry
❗️We now have dysregulated metabolic hormones that are driving hunger and fat storage
❗️Dieting teaches us the all-or-nothing mindset. We're either on a diet or on a bender
As previously overweight doctors, we fell into this same trap. We were following the wrong advice. It's like we'd been given the wrong map!
No wonder we weren't where we wanted to be.
This is why we created The 12 Week Mind Body Rebalance, a doctor-led program that truly gets to the heart of the problem and stops the battle.
TELL ME WHAT’S INCLUDEDImagine what it feels like
✓ To know how to eat without feeling restricted
✓ To know that you will fit into all the clothes in your wardrobe
✓ To no longer hide up the back of group photos
✓ To find your cravings have disappeared
✓ To be free of the guilt, shame and virtue cycle that keeps us stuck
✓ To have more energy, less bloating and just feel better

The12 Week Mind Body Rebalance
Next round starting September 2025

Body. Mind. Life.
Over 12 weeks, we come with you on your journey to real health and weight loss
We are by your side and will walk you through everything you need to know and do to lose weight and transform your health. Our 3 pronged approach looks after your body, your mind and makes it easy to fit into your life
➔ Body. We give you all the tools and strategies to improve your metabolism. Imagine turning your body into a fat burning machine simply by changing what and when you eat. All without being hungry
➔ MInd. We show you how to harness the power of your mind and avoid the pitfalls of self sabotage, so you can enjoy real health and long lasting weight loss
➔ Life. Most importantly we show you how to fit this into your busy life, with quick, easy and budget friendly meals. This program is simple, doable and life does not need to be perfect for this to work
Join the waitlist"I was so frustrated and honestly completely fed up"
What You Will Find Inside:

Live Coaching
Each week, we deliver a live interactive session to help you untangle the thoughts and actions that have kept you stuck in the past. Reprogramming your mind around weight loss is the most powerful way to combat cravings, stress eating and emotional eating. This is where the bulk of our mindset training is delivered and we have a laugh along the way

Amazing Easy Peasy Recipes
We know you're busy! We have created a collection of super simple easy recipes that will have dinner on the table in 20 minutes. All with family friendly options and all follow our easy framework. Cooking real food has never been so easy. The recipes are easily adapted and you will be serving them on repeat

Supportive Community
You are doing this for yourself, not by yourself!
You are not doing this alone. We are with you every step of the way. Behavioural change can be hard, but it's always easier when you have a tribe. You will have access to a private supportive Facebook group moderated by Dr Lucy and Dr Mary.

Mindset Management
Most of you know that we often eat when we're not hungry. You eat when you're stressed, tired, angry or lonely. We show you how to harness the power of your mind to avoid the pitfalls of self sabotage. Long lasting weight loss is more than just knowledge. It's about implementation. We give you mindset skills with tools and strategies to take your knowing into doing.

Both Dr Lucy and Dr Mary are qualified medical hypnotherapists. Through this powerful tool, you'll tap into the subconscious mind to help unlock the inner strength necessary to overcome cravings. Imagine how liberating it will feel to reclaim control over your eating

Gut Health
The gut is our second brain. You will learn how to harness the power of the gut in simple and practical ways to improve your overall health and well-being. Poor gut health is major a cause of obesity. We show you how to nourish your gut so it will thrive.

Sleep yourself well! Sleep is the most undervalued superpower you have. You will learn not just why sleep is important for health and weight loss, but also the powerful tools you can use to improve your sleep. Get your sleeping right and you will find weight loss so much easier

Stress Management
There's a reason being overwhelmed is referred to as having too much on your plate. Unmanaged stress changes your hormones and contributes to fat storage. Changing the way we react is a crucial tool for long lasting weight loss.
"Based in Science not in Fiction"
What You Will Learn:

✓ We show which foods to eat for health and weight loss: and they may not be what you think. Food can either help you or harm you. We show you how to create delicious, simple food to maximise your nutrition, nourish your body, nurture your soul and you will lose weight along the way. How good is that!
✓ Food to keep you full: Hunger is something that most people are worried about. We show you short cuts to delicious food combinations that ensure you will not be hungry. It’s so much easier to lose weight when you are not hungry!
✓ Recipes: We have gathered for you, incredible recipes that are easy and family-friendly. How often have you bought a recipe book, only to never open it? Well, we have sourced for you, the perfect recipe collection - not too many - just the right amount to offer you choice without overwhelming you.
✓ What about alcohol? “Do I have to stop drinking to lose weight?” No! Interestingly not all alcohol is created equally and the answer is, you can still drink alcohol and lose weight! We reveal which drinks are best and which drinks are worst for health and weight loss and have a cheat sheet to make it easy!
✓ Inflammatory Foods: We show you which foods increase inflammation and which ones decrease it. What you eat matters! Inflammation causes so many health issues, including joint pain and skin conditions. Simply changing what you eat, reduces pain, increases energy and improves your skin. You will be radiant both on the inside and the outside!
✓ Eating out can be a challenge, right? WRONG. Eating out is easy when you know what and where to eat. We give you our quick guide to eating out.

✓ We show you how to lose weight without being hungry! “That’s insane! Surely to lose weight I need to eat less and so I have to be hungry, right?” WRONG. When you eat with our recommended eating style, we can guarantee you will not be hungry.
✓ Losing weight is just diet and exercise, right? WRONG. We debunk the old myths around calorie counting and why you need to stop calorie restriction if you want permanent weight loss.
✓ We expose the myths on eating fat: How much should you eat?... Can you eat too much?.... “I don’t have a gallbladder”...“What about my cholesterol?”- We go through all of these things and explain how to lose weight consistently and safely.
✓ What will my doctor say? We guide you through any questions you have about medication, blood tests and even have a letter you can take to your doctor if you want to.
✓ Keep it simple: We give you a framework to build upon, so you can continue to eat this way forever. We have a set of simple rules - The Golden Rules that make decisions easy. This is the foundation and getting this right is imperative for success. This is not a quick fix but a long term solution to your weight problem so you can be rid of it once and for all!
✓ The Transition Period is where most women make their biggest mistakes: We guide you through this so you know what to expect, and how to navigate it. We want you to succeed and we have pre-empted any trouble spots with a roadmap to steer you through.

✓ Mind magic: “I eat everything I want - I just changed what I want.” This module shows you how to utilise the power of your mind, so you need never rely on willpower again.
✓ How to stay on the wagon: We show how to get back on the wagon quickly and easily so you do not undo all your good work.
✓ Self-sabotage: This is the downfall of many women, but we show you how to avoid this trap with our mindset hacks, brain tricks and hypnotherapy downloads so this will never happen to you again.
✓ Change Behaviour is the key to long term weight loss: We show you how to change your thoughts which ultimately changes your behaviour, not just for now but forever so you will never regain this weight again.
✓ Comfort Eating is something most women confess to: We show you how to change this so you will never cry into your ice cream again. Freedom from food is so liberating. We have food freedom and so can you!
✓ Stop the cycle: Many women eat because they feel bad, beat themselves up, feel worse, and eat again. This is not your fault! We explain all this to you, in detail. So you can finally understand what’s going on with your mind...And you certainly won’t get that from a diet shake.
✓ Self Compassion: This technique is critical to long term weight loss. Master this and the rest is easy.

✓ Stress is one of the main drivers of fat-storage: We show you why this occurs, how this occurs and most importantly what to do about it so can release that stored fat.
✓ Stress Management is all about hormones: Manage your stress and you balance your hormones. We show you simple techniques so you can do this anywhere, anytime.
✓ Happiness is also about hormones - Who knew? You can learn to optimise these hormones, maximise happiness, minimise stress and the fat will melt away. We show you a range of evidence-based, scientific stress management techniques so you can choose the one that feels right for you.
✓ Boundaries - There’s a trigger word! We teach you how to define and determine your boundaries and then how to protect them without guilt, so you feel empowered and in control.
✓ Overweight and Overwhelmed? We show you how to manage the overwhelm, so you can prioritise your health and get the results you’ve always wanted.
✓ Exercise: “I need to exercise to lose weight right?” WRONG. You can lose weight without exercise. Intense exercise can be a powerful driver of hunger. But exercise done correctly is a powerful stress buster. We show you to exercise to improve your mood and manage your stress.

✓ Unleash the power of fasting and you will burn fat for fuel.
✓ Learn the benefits of fasting: and believe us, they are more than just weight loss.
✓ We show you how to fast safely and easily: Fasting, when done properly is one of the most effective weight loss strategies around.
✓ Different fasting options: We explain what fasting actually is and what the different regimens are so you can pick one that fits into your lifestyle.
✓ Avoid the pitfalls of fasting: with our comprehensive guide and done-for-you fasting schedules...
✓ Isn’t fasting just starving yourself? NO. Knowing the difference between these 2 concepts is crucial to your ongoing weight loss and preservation of your metabolic rate.
✓ Fasting done incorrectly can slow your metabolism: and send you back on the dieting rollercoaster. We show you what to do to avoid this.
✓ I’m taking medications: We’ve got this covered. You'll learn what you need to know so you can still fast safely and harness the power of this incredible tool.

✓ You can literally lose weight while you sleep: Scientific fact. Evidenced based. No rubbish. How good is that?
✓ Sleep is all about hormones: I think you’ve probably heard that before! But it’s true and there are tricks to balance your hormones to ensure optimal sleep.
✓ Mind Hacks to get a good night’s sleep.
✓ Relaxation Downloads to tap into the magical restorative process so you can maximise your body’s fat-burning capacity.
✓ Make sleep your superpower even if you’ve had trouble sleeping in the past. We show you how.
✓ Think you’re just a bad sleeper? WRONG. Everyone can learn to sleep well and achieve hormonal balance but only with the correct advice (and no pills.)
✓ Imagine accessing a wonderful resource that restores your energy, repairs your DNA, rejuvenates your skin, helps you lose weight has no side effects and is FREE.

✓ Optimise Gut Health and you will optimise your weight loss.
✓ We show you how your gut microbiome can cause cravings and what to do about them.
✓ We show you how important gut health is… but also sort fact from fiction so you don’t waste your money on false claims and promises.
✓ Simple gut-friendly process that you can do at home to maximise your weight loss, improve your immunity and even your mood.
✓ How to make milk kefir and water kefir at home.
✓ How to make bone broth so you can heal your gut.
✓ Reduce bloating, gas and gut pain.
✓ Gut Healthy Food: We have a downloadable list so you can easily see which foods help you and which foods harm you.

✓ A bonus module that gives you the strategies needed to maintain this way of eating forever.
✓ We provide you with a framework so that you live this lifestyle and not succumb to diet mentality.
✓ A formula to set and achieve goals and make your dreams a reality.
✓ Feed the family bonus lesson. We provide tips, tricks and strategies to fit your low carb lifestyle in with your family, even if they are not low carb themselves.
✓ Simple tips to make this lifestyle change easy for long-lasting results.
✓ 5 minute relaxation to fit into your busy life.
"It was like a lightning bolt when I realised there was no upper limit to how much weight I could gain if I kept going the way I was..."
We know that trying again can be scary...
⛔ What if I fail?
⛔ What if it doesn't work?
⛔ What if I can't do it?
⛔ What if I get hungry?
⛔ What if this is just another diet?
All of these are valid and normal questions designed by our brain to keep us safe. That's why we're here. We've got you. Seriously we have been on this journey and now we will guide you on your path to real health and weight loss.
Doing nothing is also scary...
⛔ Gaining more weight...remember there is no upper limit
⛔ Developing chronic diseases like Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnoea, fatty liver disease, heart disease and many more
⛔ Ongoing Fatigue, Sluggishness and Continued Brain Fog
⛔ Continuing to Tread Water wishing you were somewhere or someone else
⛔ Surviving not Thriving
Program Investment
But that's not all!
Let's Talk Bonuses..
Everyone joining our September 2025 program has exclusive access to these fantastic bonuses...

Bonus 1:
A Family Friendly Meal Plan
We don't want you wasting your time cooking different meals for each person in your family. We'll give you a meal plan that you can easily adapt to keep you and your whole family happy and satisfied.

Bonus 2:
A Budget Friendly Meal Plan
We know that the cost of living is high and processed food is cheap. We will give you a meal plan and show you quick and easy ways to cook that will keep both you and your bank balance healthy.

Bonus 3:
Bonus Empowerment Hypnosis
It is common for some people to feel worried or even scared especially if you've tried before and not had the success you were looking for. This bonus hypnosis is designed especially for this and will help you move from feeling scared and defeated to empowered and confident

Bonus 4:
Bonus Alcohol Hypnosis
You can drink alcohol in the 12 Week Mind Body Rebalance but some people find the amount they are drinking interferes with their goals. This powerful hypnosis helps you reduce alcohol with ease so you can sleep well, feel better and achieve your health and weight loss goals
Can We Tell You About Us?
We are Dr Mary Barson and Dr Lucy Burns. We are medical doctors with an intense interest in weight management and addressing the root cause of the problem.
⚡️Newsflash-The root cause is NOT that you are lazy and greedy and have no willpower
Why are we so interested in weight management?
Well, 2 reasons:
1. Like many of you, we have both been on a weight loss journey.
2. We see the profound effects this problem has on the health of our patients resulting in more disease, more medications and more complications.
Dr Mary has PCOS, a hormonal condition that results in weight gain from puberty. She tried for decades to manage her weight. She exercised like crazy. She followed traditional diet advice. She finally found the solution by changing what and when she ate-not how much she ate. This allowed her to rebalance those hormones, shed the kilos and even have a baby.
Dr Lucy was the diet queen. She has been on every diet known to (wo)man. She was excellent at losing weight but keeping it off was the issue. She had "fat clothes" and "thin clothes" in her wardrobe. She was most definitely the all-or-nothing girl. Perfect- restricting like mad. Then when life got in the way she was on a bender, regaining all the lost weight. Changing her thinking around dieting has resulted in her weight being stable for years... even when she goes on holidays or life gets messy.
As lifestyle medicine doctors, we guide you along the path to improved metabolism. We give you a metabolic map if you will.
As doctors of psychological medicine, we help you shift your thoughts and manage your emotions-Fine tuning your inner compass.
With the right map and a well functioning compass, you are now on the correct path to long lasting weight loss and good health.

Need some peace of mind?
We have a 7 day money back guarantee. We are so sure you will love the 12 Week Mind Body Rebalance Program, we have a full refund policy.
The guarantee is valid from the first day of the program for 7 days and we will always give you a call to find out what extra support we can offer you.
Program Investment
Let's recap
Here are all the inclusions
✓ The 7 Steps- A complete framework dripped out each week-The Map and The Compass so you are always on the right path (Value $2400)
✓ 12 Weekly Zoom Coaching Calls with Dr Lucy or Dr Mary to master your mindset and rewire your thinking (Value $2400)
✓ The Easy Peasy Cookbook and 4 week Meal plan to help you through the transition phase (Value $75)
✓ Email Access to Dr Mary and Dr Lucy to answer any questions to cut through the confusion of the noisy internet (priceless)
✓ 12 Weekly Downloadable Hypnosis Sessions to undo years of diet conditioning and rewire your mind and make weight loss easy (Value $1200)
✓ A Private Facebook Group for support and community-you are not alone
✓ A deep dive Masterclass Package full of amazing learning so that you are confident in your knowledge (Value is $297)
✓ 7 Day no-questions-asked money back guarantee
✓ Lifetime Access to the course
BONUS 1: Time Saving Family Meal Plans (value $50)
BONUS 2: Budget Friendly Meal Plans (Value $50)
BONUS 3: Empowered hypnosis (Value $100)
BONUS 4: Alcohol Reduction Hypnosis (Value $100)

Frequently Asked Questions
Who should NOT do this program?
I have Type 2 Diabetes
I have PCOS. Will this help?
I'm going through Menopause
What about Hashimoto's?
I've had Weight Loss Surgery. Will this help?
I'm an emotional Eater-Do you address this?
I am vegetarian. Can I still do this?
Is this program only for women?
I'm on medication. Can I still do this?
Do you have an email address?
How long do I have access to the program?
What time are the Coaching Calls?
Do you have a refund policy?

It's time for you to make one of 2 choices

Do Nothing
The first choice is to choose to
do nothing. You can absolutely do that but...
And, as you already know, if you choose nothing...
then nothing changes.

Do Something
The second choice is to write a new health story for yourself because you know you want a different future.
You want to stop the constant cycle of weight loss and weight gain. You're ready for that final journey and we are with you every step of the way

So let us ask you something before we depart and go our separate ways:
- What is your health really worth to you?
- What does stopping the relentless cycle of losing weight and regaining it mean for you?
- What does having more energy do for you?
- What is feeling calm and in control worth for you?
Once you've answered those questions it's time to decide
Are you in or out?